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Experts in: Couple psychology

Bergeron, Sophie


Professeure titulaire

I am interested in the diagnosis, etiology and treatment of gynecological pain, in particular dyspareunia and vaginismus. My current research focuses on evaluating the efficacy of cognitive, behavioural and medical interventions in treating dyspareunia, as well as investigating the role of the affective, cognitive and relationship variables involved in this problem. My work has led to the development of a cognitive-behavioural program integrating pain management and sexual therapy for treating women suffering from dyspareunia.


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Daspe, Marie-Ève

DASPE, Marie-Ève

Professeure agrégée

My research focusses on biopsychosocial determinants of couple functioning and violence. I am particularly interested in 1) the role of psychophysiological reactivity in violent couples' communication behaviors and 2) the impact of partners' personality on various aspects of couple functioning. 

I am also interested in the influence of social networking sites on adolescents and young adults' romantic relationships. My research focusses on the ways youth use social networking sites and how their online behaviors shape intimacy, conflicts and romantic relationship quality. 


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Péloquin, Katherine

PÉLOQUIN, Katherine

Professeure titulaire

My research work addresses different themes linked to couple relationships, in the general population and in clinical populations. First of all, the adult attachment theory shapes much of my research. Drawing inspiration from this theoretical model, I examine the close bonds between attachment, conjugal support and sexuality, to better understand the dynamics of conjugal relations among different populations of couples. Second, I am especially interested in infertility. My work aims at 1) assessing the psychological, conjugal and sexual impacts of this problem, 2) assessing the specific needs of couples undergoing infertility treatment and 3) developing interventions for optimizing these couples' well-being. Lastly, conjugal abuse and dyadic coping are also among my fields of interest.


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