Serge Lecours
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de psychologie
Marie-Victorin office D309
Télécopieur : 514 343-2285
Education Programs
- Social Sciences and Social Action
- Literature and Languages Fundamental and Applied Sciences Social Sciences Arts and Music
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- PSY3258 Psychopathologie 2
Areas of Expertise
- Psychopathology
- Depression
- Alexithymia
- Assessment and treatment of mental functioning
- Affect mentalization
- Affect regulation
- Borderline personality disorder
I essentially try to better understand the links between affect regulation and psychopathology, mainly by studying mental functioning (mentalization, alexithymia). Part of my work bears on the theoretical analysis of these themes, using a mainly psychoanalytical approach that integrates elements of theories of emotion. I also conduct empirical research using a number of methodological strategies: discourse analysis (quantitative and qualitative), creation and use of questionnaires, experimental tasks, etc. I created a grid for verbal elaboration of affect (GÉVA), a verbal measurement of affect mentalization, a central part of many research projects.
Research themes:
- Mentalization and affect regulation
- Exploration of forms of alexithymia
- Study of affect mentalization in psychopathology, particularly depression and borderline personality disorder
- Analysis of the role of sadness and positive emotions in mentalization
- Assessment and treatment of mental functioning
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Valur prédictive d'une mesure de tristesse adaptative par questionnaire sur la qualité d'une expérience de perte induite par film Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2024
Cognitive organization of maltreatment memories as a key moderator of the association between child maltreatment and mental health in early adulthood Projet de recherche au Canada / 2020 - 2024
Étude exploratoire de l’expérience émotionnelle et de sa régulation à toutes les étapes du cycle boulimique Projet de recherche au Canada / 2018 - 2021
FGR-UdeM-CRSH 2014-2016 Projet de recherche au Canada / 2015 - 2016
RÔLE DE L'ATTITUDE VIS-À-VIS DES ÉMOTIONS DANS L'ALEXITHYMIE Projet de recherche au Canada / 2009 - 2009
Publications Expand all Collapse all
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Communications Expand all Collapse all
Publications choisies :
Bouizegarène, N., Lecours, S. (2017). Verbal elaboration of distinct affect categories and Narcissistic personality disorder features. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 34(3), 278-289.
Lecours, S. (2016). Niveaux de mentalisation de la souffrance en clinique: agonie, détresse et tristesse adaptative. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 37(3), 235-257.
Pellerin, N., Lecours, S. (2015). Sensitization to emotions and representation formation through social biofeedback: Is markedness a necessary mechanism? Psychoanalytic Psychology, 32(1), 61-93.
Martel, D., Lecours, S. (2013). Analyse critique du rôle accordé à l'interprétation du clivage dans la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert: contraste avec le traitement centré sur la mentalisation. Psychothérapies, 33(3), 177-194.
Lecours, S., Descheneaux, E., Briand-Malenfant, R. (2013). Affect regulation and mentalization in narcissistic personality disorder. In J. S. Ogrodniczuk (Ed), Understanding and treating pathological narcissism (pp. 129-145). Washington: APA Press.
Boucher, M.-È., Lecours, S., Philippe, F. L., Arseneault, S. (2013). Parental socialization of emotion and depression in adulthood: The role of attitudes toward sadness. European Review of Applied Psychology, 63, 15-23.
Briand-Malenfant, R., Lecours, S., Descheneaux, E. (2012). What does sadness mean to BPD patients? Journal of Personality Disorders, 26(6), 939-955.
Descheneaux, E., Lecours, S., Doyon, J., Briand-Malenfant, R. (2012). Countertransference in the Rorschach situation as a clue to the patient’s affective functioning: An exploratory study. Rorschachiana, 33(2), 125-144.
Lecours, S. (2011). Perspective psychanalytique. In J. Descôteaux A. Brault-Labbé (Éds), Motivation et émotion : Fonctionnement individuel et interpersonnel (pp. 211-244). Montréal : Éditions CEC.
Philippe, F. L., Laventure, S., Beaulieu-Pelletier, G., Lecours, S., Lekes, N. (2011). Ego-resiliency as a mediator between child trauma and psychological symptoms. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30(6), 583-598.
Philippe, F. L., Koestner, R., Lecours, S., Beaulieu-Pelletier, G., Bois, K. (2011). The role of autobiographical memory networks in the experience of negative emotions: How our remembered past elicits our current feelings. Emotion, 11(6), 1279-1290.
Lecours, S., Bouchard, M.-A. (2011). Verbal elaboration of distinct affect categories and BPD symptoms. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84(1), 26-41.
Briand-Malenfant, R., Lecours, S., Deschenaux, E. (2010). La capacité d’être triste : Implications pour la psychothérapie psychanalytique. Psychothérapies, 30(4), 191-201.
Lecours, S., Robert, G., Desruisseaux, F. (2009). Élaboration verbale des affects et alexithymie chez des patients souffrant d’une pathologie respiratoire. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 59(3), 187-195.
Phillipe, F., Lecours, S., Beaulieu-Pelletier, G. (2009). Resilience and positive emotions: Examining the role of emotional memories. Journal of Personality, 77(1), 139-175.
Bouchard, M.-A., Target, M., Lecours, S., Fonagy, P., Tremblay, L. M., Schachter, A., Stein, H. (2008). Mentalization in Adult Attachment Narratives: Reflective Functioning, Mental States and Affect Elaboration Compared. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25(1), 47-66.
Lecours, S. (2007). Supportive interventions and nonsymbolic mental functioning. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 88(4), 895-915.
Lecours, S., Sanlian, N., Bouchard, M. A. (2007). Assessing verbal elaboration of affect in clinical interviews: Exploring sex differences. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 71(3), 227-247.
Lecours, S. (2005). Niveaux de fonctionnement mental et psychothérapie psychanalytique. Psychothérapies, 25(2), 91-100.
Lecours, S., Bouchard, M. A. (1997). Dimensions of mentalisation: Outlining levels of psychic transformation. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 78(5), 855-875.
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