Experts in: Cognitive neuroscience
ARGUIN, Martin
Professeur titulaire
- Attention
- Vision
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Lecture
- Object recognition
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive training
- Visual attention
- Visual System
- Visual pathologies
- Visual processing
- Cerebral and cognitive development
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive neuroimaging
- Developmental sensory and cognitive disorders
- Brain hemispheres
- Neuroimaging
- Cerebral plasticity
- Traumatisme craniocérébral
- Electrophysiology (EEG)
- Magnetoencephalography and Electroencephalography
- Shape recognition
- Face recognition
- Attention deficit disorders
My research activities focus on the cognitive aspects of visual processing, in both normal individuals and those who have suffered brain injuries. My main objectives are to identify the normal mechanisms involved in visual processing and to characterize the functional deficits resulting from brain damage. I use behavioural and electrophysiological methods. My current projects concern a number of themes:
- Reading: visual mechanisms (i.e. shape perception and visuospatial attention) involved in accessing orthographic-lexical knowledge when recognizing written words, and organization of the lexical representation system
- Visual recognition of objects: properties of the system for encoding visual shapes and representation of structural knowledge
Professeure titulaire
- Social neuroscience
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Neuroimaging
- Biomarkers
- Child development
- Neuropsychologie
- Child psychiatry
- Developmental and acquired problems
My research program is aimed at achieving a better understanding of childhood development and the consequences of early brain injury. We use several methodological and technological approaches in four main spheres of investigation:
- Studies of normal childhood development and predictive factors of brain and cognitive maturation
- Investigation of the effects of perinatal brain injury (e.g. prematurity) and postnatal brain injury (e.g. cranial trauma) on cognition, social competence, quality of life and brain development
- Development and validation of new cognitive tasks and social skills (e.g. moral reasoning, theory of mind, executive functions)
- Development of intervention programs for parents and children/teens with traumatic brain injuries
Target populations: healthy populations, traumatic brain injury, prematurity, behavioural problems, child psychiatric disorders, metabolic/genetic diseases, other neuropsychological disorders, etc.
Techniques used: MRI, fMRI, PET, DTI, eye tracking, neuropsychological assessment, longitudinal studies, etc.
Professeure titulaire
- Cerebral plasticity
- Neuropsychologie
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Cognitive intervention
- Alzheimer's type dementia
- Memory
- Working memory
- Virtual Reality
- Aging
Dr Belleville contributes to the developement and understandin of cognitive training for older adults and persons at risk of dementia and on the prevention of age-related cognitive decline. She identifies processes of compensation and plasticity in mild cognitive impairment using brain imaging techniques. She also developed an important research program on the neuropsychology of memory in aging and dementia and has contributed to a better understanding of the neuropsychological deficits found in persons with very early signs of Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. She created and leads the CIMAQ, a cohort of well-characterized older adults with suspected prodromal Alzheimer’s disease.
BOLLER, Benjamin
Professeur associé
BRAMBATI, Simona Maria
Professeure titulaire
- Language
- Aging
- Neuropsychologie
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Aphasia
- Atypical dementias
- Magnetic-resonance imaging
- Cognitive neuroimaging
- Brains and semantic memory
- Memory
- Language acquisition
Dr. Brambati has a PhD in Molecular Medicine (cognitive neuropsychology profile) from the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, Italy (2006). She then completed post-doctoral studies at the Memory and Aging Center (University of California, San Francisco) (2006-2007), and the IUGM research centre. Today she is a researcher at the IUGM research centre (FRQ-S Junior 1) and a professor on loan to the Department of Psychology at the Université de Montréal.
Professeure titulaire
Professeur agrégé
Professeur titulaire
- Cognitive neuroscience of hearing and music
- Brain and music
- Musical cognition
- Music
- Circadian rhythms and performance
- Auditory neuroscience
- Réadaptation
- Motricity
- Cerebral and cognitive development
- Cognitive training
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive neuroimaging
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Developmental sensory and cognitive disorders
GOSSELIN, Frédéric
Professeur titulaire
Professeure titulaire
HANGANU, Alexandru
Professeur sous octroi adjoint
Professeur associé, Professeur émérite
- Attention
- Neuroimaging
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Computer models
- Cognitive psychology
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Visual attention
- Attention deficit disorders
- Electrophysiology (EEG)
- Magnetoencephalography and Electroencephalography
- Memory
- Working memory
- Spatial memory
- Brains and semantic memory
Experimental cognitive science, computer models and simulations of cognitive processes and neuroimaging to determine why and how attention functions or fails.
LEPORE, Franco
Professeur titulaire
LIPPÉ, Sarah
Professeure titulaire
- Epilepsy
- Infants
- Neuropsychologie
- Child development
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Neuroimaging
- The brain and learning
- Pathological development
- Acquired lesions
- Developmental lesions
Sarah Lippé, Ph.D. Neuropsychologist
Full Professor, Psychology Department, University of Montreal
Director, Neuroscience of Early Development Lab (NED)
FRQ-S Senior Scientist, Sainte-Justine Hospital
“What happens at key moments in child development when pathologies sometimes occur that harm cerebral, cognitive, and emotional development?” Dr. Sarah Lippé Ph.D, neuropsychologist, Full Professor of Psychology at the University of Montreal and FRQ-S Senior Scientist at Sainte-Justine Hospital, is determined to find answers. As Director of the multidisciplinary Neuroscience of Early Development Lab (NED) she studies the cerebral mechanisms involved in learning processes in infants and children.
Sarah Lippé, completed a Master’s degree in neuropsychology and a Ph.D. in clinical and research neuropsychology at the University of Montreal. She was trained as a postdoctoral fellow in neuroscience at the Atomic Energy Commission (France) and at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care (Toronto). She is member of several research groups and Network (BRAMS, CerebrUM, GRIP, TACC, KBHN). Her research focuses on brain development, sensory processing and sensitivity and learning in healthy infants and children. Further, she investigates neurodevelopmental disorders risk factors. She particularly wants to understand the prenatal and genetic risk factors leading to neurodevelopmental disorders, and their consequences on brain development, sensory processing and sensitivity and learning capacities. Her investigation methods are non-invasive and enables her to develop early screening methods and treatment efficacy assessments.
Among her current initiatives, she co-leads a multidisciplinary translational research program to mechanistically understand neurodevelopmental disorders. She also leads the first inter-generational genetic-neuropsychology-EEG cohort of children with genetic risk factors, in which more than 400 families are tested using EEG and neuropsychology (Brain Canada, Quebec 1000 projects (Q1K)). Moreover, ongoing contributions include the development of treatment options for neurodevelopmental disorders. Her lab is among the very first to propose EEG as an outcome measure in international and national clinical trials. Her team is driving the EEG investigation of the potential benefits of Metformin in FXS (Azrieli funded). She leads the neuropsychology and EEG investigation aspect of Canada-USA-European clinical trials for children presenting with autism. She is also involved in several national and international initiatives on infant EEG, aiming at creating a normative database to understand EEG signals maturation and to create a clinical tool for infants’ brain signal assessments. Her laboratory “Neuroscience of Early Development lab” is multidisciplinary and includes students and HQP at all levels of training. She is also on board of directors of several initiatives including Kids Brain Health Network and Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada aiming at supporting research and families.
MCKERRAL, Michelle
Professeure titulaire, Directrice de département
- Traumatisme craniocérébral
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Neuropsychologie
- Réadaptation
- Visual System
- Developmental sensory and cognitive disorders
A few objectives of our research at our electrophysiology and traumatic brain injury impact study laboratory (CRLB-CRIR and CERNEC):
- The use of visual and cognitive electrophysiology and neuropsychological tests to objectify alterations in brain function and means of recovery after a traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- The study of the effectiveness of cognitive and rehabilitation interventions and the links between brain function, symptomatology and some indicators of post-TBI development, such as ability to work and quality of life
PERETZ, Isabelle
Professeure titulaire
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Neuroimaging
- Amusia
- Brain and music
- Musical cognition
- Emotions
- Musique et Langage
- Cerebral and cognitive development
- Affect mentalization
- Language
- Language acquisition
- Memory
- Autism
- Cognitive neuroimaging
- Electrophysiology (EEG)
- Magnetic-resonance imaging
My field of research is cognitive neuropsychology. The approach is characterized by the study of the effects of brain lesions on cognitive functions. I am interested in musical perception and recognition; emotions; language; prosody; and memory. These functions all have a link with musical cognition, which remains my main field of interest. Aside from brain lesions, we also work with neurologically healthy adults or those with a specific congenital disorder (autism, congenital amusia). Lastly, we use various exploration techniques including, currently, event-related potential (ERP) responses, neuroimaging by magnetic resonance and electrodermal responses. Our team has access to two laboratories: one in the psychology department, in the GRENE research centre, and the other at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. I receive financial support for my research work from the NSERC and the CIHR (MRC) and from the FCAR and FRSQ.
Professeur associé
- Cognitive neuroscience of hearing and music
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Brain and sound
- Emotions
- Visual attention
- Brain and music
- Electrophysiology (EEG)
- Auditory neuroscience
Dr. Simon Rigoulot is a Professor of Neurosciences and Psychology at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR, Dept. of Psychology) and an Associate Professor at Université de Montréal. He studied Cognitive Sciences at Université de Lille (France), and defended his thesis in 2008. His work has been focused on Affective Neurosciences and deals with the neural correlates of the processing of emotional information, in visual and auditory modalities. He is now interested in multimodal emotional information and how individual factors such as cultural background or emotional skills influence this processing. His research methods involve a multi-dimensional approach, combining peripheral (Eye-Tracking, Skin Conductance Response, Heart Rate, Electro-myography…), central (Electro- and Magneto-Encephalography, functional near infrared spectroscopy) and behavioral measures. His projects also aim to shed light on the links between a set of emotional competences (identification, detection, regulation, and utilization) and the development of psychopathologies such as anxiety, depression. In parallel, his interests extended to the study of speech and music, through two specific avenues. The first concerns the role of prosody (tone of voice) in conveying meaningful information, be it emotion or real intention of speakers, such as in irony, lies, innuendos. The second one is about the processing of rhythmic information and the ability of lay participants to synchronize to this type of information, and how attentional and emotional processes can affect this ability.
Professeur associé
Professeur titulaire
My research work focuses mainly on the neurophysiology of the motor system. Among other things I study the effects of traumatic brain injury on the integrity of the inhibitory and excitatory intracortical circuits of the primary motor cortex. In addition, I am aiming to better understand the motor mechanisms associated with observing others. The techniques used in my laboratory include transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroencephalography and magnetic-resonance imaging.