Tamsin Higgs
- Professeure agrégée
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de psychologie
Marie-Victorin office E354
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Affiliated institutions
Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPP)
- Membre – CICC — Centre international de criminologie comparée
- Membre – Centre de recherche de l’Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel
Education Programs
- Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences and Social Action Social Sciences
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- Social Sciences Social Sciences and Social Action
- PSY3259 Psychologie légale
- PSY7903 Organisation professionnelle et éthique
Areas of Expertise
Student supervision Expand all Collapse all
Research projects Expand all Collapse all
Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2024 - 2031
Traitement, adaptation psychosociale et trajectoire criminelle des agresseurs sexuels Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2027
Towards a multitrajectory understanding of intimate partner homicide Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2027
L'agression sexuelle entre partenaires intimes Projet de recherche au Canada / 2022 - 2026
Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) Projet de recherche au Canada / 2017 - 2025
Intimate partner homicide: Offense and perpetrator characteristics Projet de recherche au Canada / 2019 - 2022
Publications Expand all Collapse all
Olver, M. E., Mundt, J. C., Hogan, N. R., Coupland, R. B. A., Eggert, J. E., Higgs, T., Lewis, K., Cortoni, F., Gordon, A., Morgan, P. J., & Wong, S. C. P. (2022). Assessing dynamic violence risk: Common language risk levels and recidivism rates for the Violence Risk Scale. Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pas0001116
Deslauriers, J.-M., Drouin, C., Higgs, T., & Bastonnais, J. (2022). Implementation and functioning of a collaboration agreement for intrafamilial homicide risk intervention. Partner Abuse, 13(2), 217-234. https://doi.org/10.1981/PA-2021-0026
Higgs, T., Allard, V., & Cortoni, F. (2021). Les interventions cognitivo-comportementale appliquées aux hommes reconnus coupables d’infraction sexuelle [Cognitive behavioral interventions applied to sexual offending]. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 2(21), 233-252.
James, J., Higgs, T., & Langevin, S. (2020). Reactive and proactive aggression in sexual homicide offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2020.101728
Higgs, T., Olver, M. E., Nunes, K. L., & Cortoni, F. (2020). Risk relevanceof psychometric assessment in high-risk violent offenders. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 25(2), 219-236. https://doi.org/10.1111/lcrp.12173
Higgs, T., James, J., & Proulx, J. (2019). The unusual suspects: Multiple perpetrator and multiple concurrent victim sexual homicide. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(9), 1705-1725. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X19830854
Stefanska, E., Higgs, T., Carter, A., & Beech, A. (2018). "We boil at different degrees": Factors associated with severity of attack in sexual killing. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260518758333
Higgs, T., Cortoni, F., & Nunes, K. L. (2018). Reducing violence risk? Some positive recidivism outcomes for Canadian treated high-risk offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(3), 359-373. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854818808830
Higgs, T., Carter, A., Tully, R., & Browne, K. (2017). Sexual murder typologies: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 35, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2017.05.004
Higgs, T., Tully, R., & Browne, K. (2017). Psychometric properties in forensic application of the screening version of the Psychopathy Checklist. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.62(7), 1869-1887.https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X17719289
Higgs, T., Stefanska, E., Carter, A., & Browne, K. (2017). The developmental and criminal histories of subgroups of sexual murderers engaging, or not engaging, in post mortem sexual interference, compared to rapists. Journal of Criminal Justice. 53, 92-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2017.10.001
Stefanska, E., Higgs, T., Carter, A., & Beech, A. (2017). When is a murder a sexual murder? Understanding the sexual element in the classification of sexual killings. Journal of Criminal Justice. 50, 53-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2017.03.004
Carter, A., Hollin, C., Stefanska, E., Higgs, T., & Bloomfield, S. (2016). The use of crime scene and demographic information in the identification of non-serial sexual homicide. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 61(14), 1554-1569. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X16630313
Higgs, T., & Carter, A. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorder and sexual offending: Responsivity in forensic interventions. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 22, 112-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2015.04.003
Higgs, T., Carter, A., Stefanska, E., & Glorney, E. (2015). Toward identification of the sexual killer: A comparison of sexual killers engaging in post-mortem sexual interference and non-homicide sexual aggressors. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 29(5): 479-499. https://doi.org/10.1177/1079063215609935
Stefanska, E., Carter, A., Higgs, T., Bishopp, D., & Beech, A. (2015). Offense pathways of non-serial sexual killers. Journal of Criminal Justice. 43(2), 99-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2015.01.001
Book chapters
Higgs, T., Proulx, J., Gauthier, A., Garant, E., & James, J. (2021). Sexual sadism and offending. In L. A. Craig & R. Bartels (Eds.),Sexual Deviance: Understanding, Assessing and Managing Deviant Sexual Interests and Paraphilic Disorders (pp. 189-206). John Wiley & Sons.
Higgs, T., Lord, A., Stefanska, E., & Perkins, D. (2020). Assessing sadism in sexual offenders. In J. Proulx, F. Cortoni, L. Craig, & E. Letourneau (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on What Works with Sexual Offenders: Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment and Prevention (pp. 139-152). JohnWiley & Sons.
Proulx, J., James, J., & Higgs, T. (2020). Sexual murderers. In J. Proulx, F. Cortoni, L. Craig, & E. Letourneau (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook on What Works with Sexual Offenders: Contemporary Perspectives in Theory, Assessment, Treatment and Prevention (pp. 295-310). John Wiley & Sons.
Higgs, T., & Stefanska, E. (2018). Psychological and criminological factors in diverse types of sexual murderers. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, E. Beauregard, A. Mokros, R Darjee, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 92-103). Routledge.
Stefanska, E., & Higgs, T.(2018). Understanding the sexual element in sexual murder. In J. Proulx, A. Carter, E. Beauregard, A. Mokros, R. Darjee, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Homicide Studies (pp. 104-116). Routledge.
Carter, A., Barnett, G., Stefanska, E., & Higgs, T. (2014). Offense pathways of extrafamilial child molesters. In J. Proulx, E. Beauregard, P. Lussier, & B. Leclerc. Pathways to Sexual Aggression (pp. 316-334). Routledge.
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