2013 |
Promoting optimal parenting and children’s mental health : a preliminary evaluation of the How-to Parenting Program |
Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Koestner, Richard |
2014 |
Autonomous and controlled motivation for parenting : associations with parent and child outcomes |
Jungert, Tomas; Landry, Renée; Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Gingras, Isabelle; Koestner, Richard |
2015 |
Neural changes associated with semantic processing in healthy aging despite intact behavioral performance |
Lacombe, Jacinthe; Jolicoeur, Pierre; Grimault, Stephan; Pineault, Jessica; Joubert, Sven |
2018 |
Obstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep and daytime cerebral functioning : a regional cerebral blood flow study using high-resolution SPECT |
Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Brayet, Pauline; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Carrier, Julie; Soucy, Jean-Paul; Lafond, Chantal; Blais, Hélène; d’Aragon, Caroline; Gagnon, Jean-François; Gosselin, Nadia |
2019 |
Education as a moderator of the relationship between episodic memory and amyloid load in normal aging |
Joannette, Maude; Bocti, Christian; Sévigny Dupont, Pénélope; Lavallée, Marie Maxime; Nikelski, Jim; Vallet, Guillaume; Chertkow, Howard; Joubert, Sven |
2023 |
How does explicit knowledge inform policy shaping? The case of Burkina Faso’s national social protection policy |
Kadio, Kadidiatou; Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery |
2020 |
Are age and sex effects on sleep slow waves only a matter of EEG amplitude ? |
Rosinvil, Thaïna; Bouvier, Justin; Dubé, Jonathan; Lafrenière, Alexandre; Bouchard, Maude; Cyr-Cronier, Jessica; Nadia, Gosselin; Carrier, Julie; Lina, Jean-Marc |
2014 |
Sleep and wake disturbances following traumatic brain injury |
Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine; Arbour, Caroline; Mongrain, Valérie; Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier; Khoury, Samar; Lavigne, Gilles; Desautels, Alex; Gosselin, Nadia |
2016 |
A mindfulness-based intervention pilot easibility study for elementary school students with severe learning difficulties : effects on internalized and externalized symptoms from an emotional regulation perspective |
Malboeuf-Hurtubise, Catherine; Lacourse, Éric; Taylor, Geneviève; Joussemet, Mireille; Ben Amor, Leila |
2019 |
Differential language network functional connectivity alterations in Alzheimer's disease and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia |
Montembeault, Maxime; Chapleau, Marianne; Jarret, Julien; Boukadi, Mariem; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria |
2013 |
Sexual and relationship intimacy among women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners : associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy |
Bois, Katy; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; McDuff, Pierre; Grégoire, Catherine |
2016 |
Capacités de réserve et entraînement cognitif dans le vieillissement : similarité des effets protecteurs sur la cognition et le cerveau = Reserve capacity and cognitive training in aging : the similarity of the protective effects on cognition and brain |
Boller, Benjamin; Belleville, Sylvie |
2015 |
Partner behavioral responses to pain mediate the relationship between partner pain cognitions and pain outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia |
Davis, Seth; Bergeron, Sophie; Sadikaj, Gentiana; Corsini-Munt, Serena; Steben, Marc |
2022 |
Using digital platforms in schools for prevention and health promotion : a scoping review |
Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Mc Sween-Cadieux, Esther |
2024 |
Vulnerability to semantic and phonological interference in normal aging and amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) |
Chasles, Marie-Joëlle; Joubert, Sven; Cole, Jessica; Delage, Émilie; Rouleau, Isabelle |
2015 |
Longitudinal gray matter contraction in three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a tensor-based morphometry study |
Brambati, Simona Maria; Amici, Serena; Racine, Caroline A.; Neuhaus, John; Miller, Zachary; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L.; Rosen, Howard J.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa |
2014 |
Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of a novel cognitive-behavioral couple therapy for provoked vestibulodynia: a pilot study |
Corsini-Munt, Serena; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; Mayrand, Marie-Hélène; Delisle, Isabelle |
2012 |
Comprehension of concrete and abstract words in patients with selective anterior temporal lobe resection and in patients with selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy |
Loiselle, Magalie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Nguyen, Dang Khoa; Dubeau, François; Macoir, Joël; Whatmough, Christine; Lepore, Franco; Joubert, Sven |
2020 |
Cerebral white matter diffusion properties and free‐water with obstructive sleep apnea severity in older adults |
Baril, Andrée‐Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Descoteaux, Maxime; Bedetti, Christophe; Chami, Sirin; Sanchez, Erlan; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; De Beaumont, Louis; Gilbert, Danielle; Poirier, Judes; Pelleieux, Sandra; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia |
2018 |
How to support toddlers’ autonomy : socialization practices reported by parents |
Andreadakis, Eftichia; Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève |
2022 |
Care pathways, health service use patterns and opportunities for justice involvement prevention among forensic mental health clients |
Leclair, Marichelle C.; Charette, Yanick; Caulet, Malijaï; Crocker, Anne |
2016 |
How to support toddlers’ autonomy : a qualitative study with child care educators |
Côté-Lecaldare, Marilena; Joussemet, Mireille; Dufour, Sarah |
2021 |
L’enseignement à distance en temps de pandémie : au-delà des difficultés, une opportunité d’innovation |
Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Hot, Aurélie |