Travaux et publications
Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre décroissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre décroissant |
2017 | Maternal psychosocial maladjustment and child internalizing symptoms: Investigating the modulating role of maternal sensitivity | Bouvette-Turcot, Andrée-Anne; Bernier, Annie; Leblanc, Élizabel | |
2014 | Beyond a "woman's problem" : the role of relationship processes in female genital pain | Rosen, Natalie O.; Rancourt, Kate M.; Corsini-Munt, Serena; Bergeron, Sophie | |
2013 | Provoked vestibulodynia : mediators of the associations between partner responses, pain, and sexual satisfaction | Rosen, Natalie O.; Bergeron, Sophie; Lambert, Bernard; Steben, Marc | |
2023 | A light in the dark : how children make sense of COVID-19 | Libenstein, Jamie; Larivière-Bastien, Danaë; Dupont, Dominique; Aubuchon, Olivier; Herba, Catherine; Beauchamp, Miriam | |
2022 | Quand le messager est plus important que le message : étude expérimentale en Afrique francophone sur l’utilisation des connaissances | Fillol, Amandine; McSween-Cadieux, Esther; Ventelou, Bruno; Larose, Marie-Pier; Nguemdjo Kamguem, Ulrich Boris; Kadio, Kadidiatou; Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery | |
2015 | Objective and subjective measures of sleep among preschoolers: Disentangling attachment security and dependency | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Bernier, Annie; Simard, Valérie; Bordeleau, Stéphanie; Carrier, Julie | |
2014 | To say or not to say : dyadic ambivalence over emotional expression and its associations with pain, sexuality, and distress in couples coping with provoked vestibulodynia | Awada, Nayla; Bergeron, Sophie; Steben, Marc; Hainault, Victoria-Ann; McDuff, Pierre | |
2011 | Genital pain in women : beyond interference with intercourse | Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; Morin, Mélanie | |
2016 | Développement cognitif des enfants épileptiques : contribution du stress | Thébault-Dagher, Fanny; Carmant, Lionel; Lupien, Sonia; Herba, Catherine; Lippé, Sarah | |
2018 | From early relationships to preacademic knowledge : a socio-cognitive developmental cascade to school readiness | Bernier, Annie; Beauchamp, Miriam; Cimon-Paquet, Catherine | |
2018 | Sleep and aggressive behavior among toddlers: investigating directionality of associations | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Desrosiers, Kim; Bernier, Annie | |
2024 | Reduced rapid eye movement sleep in late middle-aged and older apolipoprotein E ɛ4 allele carriers | André, Claire; Martineau-Dussault, Marie-Ève; Baril, Andrée-Ann; Marchi, Nicola Andrea; Daneault, Véronique; Lorrain, Dominique; Hudon, Carol; Bastien, Célyne; Petit, Dominique; Thompson, Cynthia; Poirier, Judes; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie | |
2016 | Why us? Perceived injustice is associated with more sexual and psychological distress in couples coping with genito-pelvic pain | Pâquet, Myriam; Bois, Katy; Rosen, Natalie O.; Mayrand, Marie-Hélène; Charbonneau-Lefebvre, Véronique; Bergeron, Sophie | |
2020 | Deformation-based shape analysis of the hippocampus in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease | Chapleau, Marianne; Bedetti, Christophe; Devenyi, Gabriel A.; Sheldon, Signy; Rosen, Howard J.; Miller, Bruce L.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Chakravarty, Mallar M.; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2020 | Does practising hypnosis-derived communication techniques by oncology nurses translate into reduced pain and distress in their patients? : an exploratory study | Ogez, David; Aramideh, Jennifer; Mizrahi, Terry; Charest, Marie-Claude; Plante, Caroline; Duval, Michel; Sultan, Serge | |
2004 | Regional reductions of gray matter volume in familial dyslexia | Brambati, Simona Maria; Termine, Cristiano; Ruffino, Milena; Stella, Giacomo; De Fazio, Francesco; Cappa, Stefano F.; Perani, Daniela | |
2017 | Maternal mind-mindedness and children’s school readiness: A longitudinal study of developmental processes | Bernier, Annie; McMahon, Catherine; Perrier, Rachel | |
2020 | Word-finding in confrontation naming and picture descriptions produced by individuals with early post-stroke aphasia | Boucher, Johémie; Marcotte, Karine; Brisebois, Amélie; Courson, Melody; Houzé, Bérengère; Desautels, Alex; Leonard, Carol; Rochon, Elizabeth; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2020 | Signs of spatial neglect in unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy | Saj, Arnaud; Bachelard-Serra, Mathilde; Lavieille, Jean-Pierre; Honoré, Jacques; Borel, Liliane | |
2020 | Validity of actigraphy for nighttime sleep monitoring in hospitalized patients with traumatic injuries | Lauzier Bigué, Julien; Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Menon, David K.; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2022 | Cancer-related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors : a systematic scoping review on contributors of fatigue and how they are targeted by non-pharmacological interventions | Lévesque, Ariane; Caru, Maxime; Duval, Michel; Laverdière, Caroline; Marjerrison, Stacey; Sultan, Serge | |
2008 | The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia | Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Brambati, Simona Maria; Ginex, Valeria; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Marcone, Alessandra; Perani, Daniela; Garibotto, Valentina; Cappa, Stefano F.; Miller, Bruce L. | |
2020 | La prématurité et le développement moteur | Noiseux-Lush, Camille; Landry, Catherine; Lippé, Sarah | |
2019 | Disentangling the direction of associations between sleep and temperament in toddlers | Bastien, Laurianne; Tétreault, Émilie; Bernier, Annie | |
2015 | A prospective two-year examination of cognitive and behavioral correlates of provoked vestibulodynia outcomes | Davis, Seth; Bergeron, Sophie; Bois, Katy; Sadikaj, Gentiana; Binik, Yitzchak M.; Steben, Marc | |
2020 | Le transfert des connaissances scientifiques, « c’est bien, mais c’est pas encore arrivé… » | Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery | |
2007 | Evidence of white matter changes on diffusion tensor imaging in frontotemporal dementia | Borroni, Barbara; Brambati, Simona Maria; Agosti, Chiara; Gipponi, Stefano; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Gasparotti, Roberto; Garibotto, Valentina; Di Luca, Monica; Scifo, Paola; Perani, Daniela; Padovani, Alessandro | |
2020 | Mindful parenting programs in non-clinical contexts : a qualitative review of child outcomes and programs, and recommendations for future research | Hali, Kil; Antonacci, Rebecca | |
2011 | Transmitting intrinsic value priorities from mothers to adolescents : the moderating role of a supportive family environment | Lekes, Natasha; Joussemet, Mireille; Koestner, Richard; Taylor, Geneviève; Hope, Nora H.; Gingras, Isabelle | |
2021 | Screening for distress in pediatric cancer survivors : a systematic comparison of one-step and two-step strategies to minimize detection errors | Pépin, Annie-Jade; Lippé, Sarah; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Laverdière, Caroline; Michon, Bruno; Robaey, Philippe; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2023 | Treatment-induced neuroplasticity after anomia therapy in post-stroke aphasia : a systematic review of neuroimaging studies | Simic, Tijana; Desjardins, Marie-Ève; Courson, Melody; Bedetti, Christophe; Houzé, Bérengère; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | EEG connectivity across sleep cycles and age | Bouchard, Maude; Lina, Jean-Marc; Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier; Dubé, Jonathan; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie | |
2010 | Woman and partner-perceived partner responses predict pain and sexual satisfaction in vestibulodynia couples | Rosen, Natalie O.; Bergeron, Sophie; Leclerc, Bianca; Lambert, Bernard; Steben, Marc | |
2017 | Quality of life, treatment beliefs, and treatment satisfaction in children treated for primary immunodeficiency with SCIg | Sultan, Serge; Rondeau, Émélie; Levasseur, Marie-Claude; Dicaire, Renée; Decaluwe, Hélène; Haddad, Elie | |
2021 | Use and effectiveness of policy briefs as a knowledge transfer tool : a scoping review | Arnautu, Diana; Dagenais, Christian | |
2015 | Sleep in the acute phase of severe traumatic brain injury : a snapshot of polysomnography | Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine; Duclos, Catherine; Blais, Hélène; Dumont, Marie; Bernard, Francis; Desautels, Alex; Menon, David K.; Gilbert, Danielle; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2006 | The right temporal lobe variant of frontotemporal dementia: cognitive and neuroanatomical profile of three patients | Joubert, Sven; Felician, Olivier; Barbeau, Emmanuel; Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe; Christophe, Marion; Didic, Mira; Poncet, Michel; Ceccaldi, Mathieu | |
2019 | Aging and language : maintenance of morphological representations in older adults | Royle, Phaedra; Steinhauer, Karsten; Dessureault, Émie; Herbay, Alexandre C.; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2020 | A portrait of self-reported health and distress in parents whose child died of cancer | Dumont, Émilie; Bourque, Claude Julie; Duval, Michel; Payot, Antoine; Sultan, Serge; Butterflies/Papillons Research Team | |
2020 | Contributing factors of unmet needs among young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with comorbidities | Lamore, Kristopher; Bourdeau, Camille; Alos, Nathalie; Bertout, Laurence; Curnier, Daniel; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Laverdière, Caroline; Lippé, Sarah; Marcil, Valérie; Robaey, Philippe; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge |
Nombre de résultats : 223
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