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Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre décroissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre décroissant |
2017 | Could we use parent report as a valid proxy of child report on anxiety, depression, and distress? : a systematic investigation of father–mother–child triads in children successfully treated for leukemia | Abate, Cybelle; Lippé, Sarah; Bertout, Laurence; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Laverdière, Caroline; Sultan, Serge | |
2019 | Action video game experience is associated with increased resting state functional connectivity in the caudate nucleus and decreased functional connectivity in the hippocampus | Benady-Chorney, Jessica; Aumont, Étienne; Yau, Yvonne; Zeighami, Yashar; Bohbot, Véronique; West, Gregory | |
2014 | L’évaluation développementale et cognitive de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire en clinique psychiatrique | Béliveau, Marie-Julie; Smolla, Nicole; Breault, Chantale; Lévesque, Alain | |
2014 | Psychosexual aspects of vulvovaginal pain | Bergeron, Sophie; Likes, Wendy M.; Steben, Marc | |
2006 | Anatomical correlates of early mutism in progressive nonfluent aphasia | Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Brambati, Simona Maria; Wang, P.; Jeong, Je Hoon; Rankin, Katherine P.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L. | |
2007 | Exploration of Recovery Trajectories in Sexually Abused Adolescents | Daigneault, Isabelle; Cyr, Mireille; Tourigny, Marc | |
2022 | Documents nécessaires pour l'implantation du programme "Reprendre le contrôle ensemble" : programme de soutien des parents confrontés au cancer de l'enfant | Ogez, David; Péloquin, Katherine; Bertout, Laurence; Bourque, Claude Julie; Curnier, Daniel; Drouin, Simon; Laverdière, Caroline; Marcil, Valérie; Ribeiro, Rebeca; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2013 | Do romantic partners' responses to entry dyspareunia affect women's experience of pain? : the roles of catastrophizing and self-efficacy | Lemieux, Ashley J.; Bergeron, Sophie; Steben, Marc; Lambert, Bernard | |
2019 | Interleukin-8 predicts fatigue at 12 months post-injury in children with traumatic brain injury | Crichton, Alison; Ignjatovic, Vera; Babl, Franz E.; Oakley, Ed; Greenham, Mardee; Hearps, Stephen; Delzoppo, Carmel; Beauchamp, Miriam; Guerguerian, Anne‐Marie; Boutis, Kathy; Hubara, Evyatar | |
2019 | A longitudinal investigation of sleep and daytime wakefulness in children and youth with concussion | Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine; Gosselin, Nadia; Sharma, Bhanu; Langer, Laura; Gagnon, Isabelle | |
2020 | Neuroanatomic correlates of distance and direction processing during cognitive map retrieval | Faulmann, Igor; Descloux, Virginie; Saj, Arnaud; Maurer, Roland | |
2016 | Evolution of severe sleep-wake cycle disturbances following traumatic brain injury: a case study in both acute and subacute phases post-injury | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Potvin, Marie-Julie; Desautels, Alex; Gilbert, Danielle; Menon, David K.; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2019 | An examination of semantic impairment in amnestic MCI and AD : What can we learn from verbal fluency? | Chasles, Marie-Joëlle; Tremblay, A.; Escudier, F.; Lajeunesse, A.; Benoit, S.; Langlois, R.; Joubert, Sven; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2018 | Psychological risk in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and its association with functional health status : A PETALE cohort study | Anestin, Annélie S.; Lippé, Sarha; Robaey, Philippe; Bertout, Laurence; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Michon, Bruno; Rondeau, Émélie; Samoilenko, Mariia; Laverdière, Caroline; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2018 | Towards a better understanding of increased sleep duration in the chronic phase of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury : an actigraphy study | El-Khatib, Héjar; Arbour, Caroline; Sanchez, Erlan; Dumont, Marie; Duclos, Catherine; Blais, Hélène; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2018 | Atrophy, metabolism and cognition in posterior cortical atrophy spectrum based on AD CSF biomarkers | Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria; Lamari, Foudil; Michon, Agnès; Samri, Dalila; Epelbaum, Stéphane; Lacomblez, Lucette; Lehéricy, Stéphane; Habert, Marie-Odile; Dubois, Bruno; Kas, Aurélie; Migliaccio, Raffaella | |
2017 | Development and inter-rater reliability of a tool assessing hypnotic communication behaviours adopted by nurses caring for children with cancer : The Sainte-Justine Hypnotic Communication Assessment Scale | Aramideh, Jennifer; Mizrahi, Terry; Charest, Marie-Claude; Plante, Caroline; Duval, Michel; Sultan, Serge | |
2017 | The role of the left anterior temporal lobe for unpredictable and complex mappings in word reading | Joyal, Marilyne; Brambati, Simona Maria; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Rouleau, Isabelle; Macoir, Joël; Joubert, Sven; Fecteau, Shirley; Wilson, Maximiliano A. | |
2015 | Sleeping Toward Behavioral Regulation: Relations Between Sleep and Externalizing Symptoms in Toddlers and Preschoolers | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Bernier, Annie; Simard, Valérie; Desrosiers, Kim; Carrier, Julie | |
2023 | What contributes to false belief understanding in childhood? : a multidimensional approach | Aubuchon, Olivier; Libenstein, Jamie; Moënner, Marina; Séguin, Marilou; Bellerose, Jenny; Bernier, Annie; Beauchamp, Miriam | |
2018 | How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk : a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of the how-to parenting program on children’s mental health compared to a wait-list control group | Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Larose, Marie-Pier; Briand, Mélanie; Vitaro, Frank | |
2019 | The role of the hippocampus in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia : a resting‐state fcMRI study | Chapleau, Marianne; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Bedetti, Christophe; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | Pathways to recovery among homeless people with mental illness: Is impulsiveness getting in the way? | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Lemieux, Ashley J.; Roy, Laurence; Martin, Michael S.; Latimer, Éric; Crocker, Anne | |
2018 | Differential susceptibility to the environment and borderline personality disorder | Rioux, Charlie; Séguin, Jean; Paris, Joel | |
2018 | Age of cannabis use onset and adult drug abuse symptoms : a prospective study of common risk factors and indirect effects | Rioux, Charlie; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Séguin, Jean | |
2018 | Biomarkers of dementia in obstructive sleep apnea | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Carrier, Julie; Lafrenière, Alexandre; Warby, Simon; Poirier, Judes; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Ayas, Najib; Dubé, Marie-Pierre; Petit, Dominique; Gosselin, Nadia; Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network | |
2021 | Getting ready for transition to adult care : tool validation and multi-informant strategy using the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire in pediatrics | Chapados, Pascale; Aramideh, Jennifer; Lamore, Kristopher; Dumont, Émilie; Lugasi, Tziona; Clermont, Marie-Josée; Laberge, Sophie; Scott, Rachel; Laverdière, Caroline; Sultan, Serge | |
2023 | Gender-inclusive research instructions in author submission guidelines : insufficient for gender-inclusive obstetrics and gynecology research | Rioux, Charlie; London-Nadeau, Kira; Tomfohr-Madsen, Lianne; Juster, Robert-Paul | |
2014 | Aging reduces the stimulating effect of blue light on cognitive brain functions | Daneault, Véronique; Hébert, Marc; Albouy, Geneviève; Doyon, Julien; Dumont, Marie; Carrier, Julie; Vandewalle, Gilles | |
2021 | Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents | London-Nadeau, Kira; Rioux, Charlie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Côté, Sylvana; Boivin, Michel; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Séguin, Jean; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie | |
2020 | Do professionals change their communication behaviours following a training in hypnosis-derived communication? : a feasibility study in pediatric oncology | Aramideh, Jennifer; Ogez, David; Mizrahi, Terry; Charest, Marie-Claude; Plante, Caroline; Duval, Michel; Sultan, Serge | |
2020 | Task-induced functional connectivity of picture naming in healthy aging : the impacts of age and task complexity | Ferré, Perrine; Jarret, Julien; Brambati, Simona Maria; Bellec, Pierre; Joanette, Yves | |
2022 | L’apprentissage sans erreur : un principe efficace d’intervention dans la maladie d’Alzheimer et dans l’aphasie primaire progressive | Joubert, Sven; Tannou, Thomas; Maquestiaux, François | |
2011 | Music recognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer disease | Johnson, Julene K.; Chang, Chiung-Chih; Brambati, Simona Maria; Migliaccio, Raffaella; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Miller, Bruce L.; Janata, Petr | |
2023 | Conditions d’utilisation du référent ÉKIP et de sa plateforme numérique pour favoriser la santé, le bienêtre et la réussite éducative des élèves du Québec | Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Gingras, Marie-Eve | |
2016 | Atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia : an ALE meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies | Chapleau, Marianne; Aldebert, Joséphine; Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2022 | Do problem-solving skills help mitigate emotional distress through perceived control and self-efficacy in parents of children with cancer? | Lévesque, Ariane; Béliveau, Julianne; Ogez, David; Marcil, Valérie; Curnier, Daniel; Laverdière, Caroline; Sinnett, Daniel; Péloquin, Katherine; Sultan, Serge | |
2017 | Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Arbour, Caroline; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Menon, David K.; De Beaumont, Louis; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2019 | Towards an integrated understanding of aggression in the general population : findings from an epidemiological catchment area study | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Roy, Laurence; Caron, Jean; Crocker, Anne; Reyes, Andrea | |
2016 | Differential involvement of the anterior temporal lobes in famous people semantics | Chedid, Georges; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Provost, Jean-Sébastien; Joubert, Sven; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria |
Nombre de résultats : 223
40 résultats par page