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Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.

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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant
2014 Impact of male partner responses on sexual function in women with vulvodynia and their partners: a dyadic daily experience study
2014 To say or not to say : dyadic ambivalence over emotional expression and its associations with pain, sexuality, and distress in couples coping with provoked vestibulodynia
2014 La sémantique, la lecture de mots irréguliers et les lobes temporaux antérieurs
2015 Altered gray matter structural covariance networks in early stages of Alzheimer's disease
2015 Are NREM sleep characteristics associated to subjective sleep complaints after mild traumatic brain injury?
2015 Are primary and secondary provoked vestibulodynia two different entities? A comparison of pain, psychosocial and sexual characteristics
2015 A prospective two-year examination of cognitive and behavioral correlates of provoked vestibulodynia outcomes
2015 Attachment, sexual assertiveness and sexual outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners : a mediation model
2015 Regional cerebral blood flow during wakeful rest in older subjects with mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea
2015 Partner behavioral responses to pain mediate the relationship between partner pain cognitions and pain outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia
2015 Longitudinal gray matter contraction in three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a tensor-based morphometry study
2015 Sleep in the acute phase of severe traumatic brain injury : a snapshot of polysomnography
2015 Impact of early environment on children's mental health : lessons from DNA methylation studies with monozygotic twins
2015 Neural changes associated with semantic processing in healthy aging despite intact behavioral performance
2015 Sleeping Toward Behavioral Regulation: Relations Between Sleep and Externalizing Symptoms in Toddlers and Preschoolers
2015 La pertinence de l'inquiétude parentale pour le développement langagier du jeune enfant référé en psychiatrie
2015 L’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde dans la population québécoise âgée: Le PUB-40 et le PUB-12
2015 A secure base from which to regulate: Attachment security in toddlerhood as a predictor of executive functioning at school entry
2015 Objective and subjective measures of sleep among preschoolers: Disentangling attachment security and dependency
2015 Stability in maternal autonomy support and child executive functioning
2016 Capacités de réserve et entraînement cognitif dans le vieillissement : similarité des effets protecteurs sur la cognition et le cerveau = Reserve capacity and cognitive training in aging : the similarity of the protective effects on cognition and brain
2016 A 2‐year dyadic longitudinal study of mothers' and fathers' marital adjustment when caring for a child with cancer
2016 Differential involvement of the anterior temporal lobes in famous people semantics
2016 Parenting and preschoolers’ executive functioning : A case of differential susceptibility?
2016 Deconstructing maternal sensitivity: Predictive relations to mother-child attachment in home and laboratory settings
2016 Why us? Perceived injustice is associated with more sexual and psychological distress in couples coping with genito-pelvic pain
2016 Comprendre le stade compensatoire de la maladie d'Alzheimer et agir pour promouvoir la cognition et la plasticité cérébrale
2016 Early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease are associated with distinct patterns of memory impairment
2016 Intimacy, sexual satisfaction and sexual distress in vulvodynia couples : an observational study
2016 Alzheimer’s disease and memory strength : gradual decline of memory traces as a function of their strength
2016 Visual fixation in the intensive care unit: a strong predictor of post-traumatic amnesia and long-term recovery after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
2016 Evolution of severe sleep-wake cycle disturbances following traumatic brain injury: a case study in both acute and subacute phases post-injury
2016 Memory for public events in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease : the importance of rehearsal
2016 Naming unique entities in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer's disease : Towards a better understanding of the semantic impairment
2016 Atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and semantic dementia : an ALE meta-analysis of voxel-based morphometry studies
2016 How to support toddlers’ autonomy : a qualitative study with child care educators
2016 A mindfulness-based intervention pilot easibility study for elementary school students with severe learning difficulties : effects on internalized and externalized symptoms from an emotional regulation perspective
2016 A qualitative impairment in face perception in Alzheimer’s disease : evidence from a reduced face inversion effect
2016 Développement cognitif des enfants épileptiques : contribution du stress
2017 Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury