Travaux et publications
Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre décroissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre décroissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre décroissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre décroissant |
2018 | Promoting autonomy to reduce employee deviance : the mediating role of identified motivation | Bureau, Julien; Mageau, Geneviève; Morin, Alexandre; Gagné, Marylène; Forest, Jacques; Papachristopoulos, Konstantinos; Lucas, Ashrah; Thibault Landry, Anaïs; Parenteau, Chloé | |
2017 | Transformational leadership and incivility : a multilevel and longitudinal test | Bureau, Julien; Gagné, Marylène; Morin, Alexandre; Mageau, Geneviève | |
2004 | Regional reductions of gray matter volume in familial dyslexia | Brambati, Simona Maria; Termine, Cristiano; Ruffino, Milena; Stella, Giacomo; De Fazio, Francesco; Cappa, Stefano F.; Perani, Daniela | |
2006 | The anatomy of category-specific object naming in neurodegenerative diseases | Brambati, Simona Maria; Myers, D.; Wilson, A.; Rankin, Katherine P.; Allison, Stephen C.; Rosen, Howard J.; Miller, Bruce L.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa | |
2009 | Single and Multiple Domain Amnestic MCI: two sides of the same coin? | Brambati, Simona Maria; Belleville, Sylvie; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne; Chayer, Céline; Gauthier, Serge; Joubert, Sven | |
2015 | Longitudinal gray matter contraction in three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a tensor-based morphometry study | Brambati, Simona Maria; Amici, Serena; Racine, Caroline A.; Neuhaus, John; Miller, Zachary; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L.; Rosen, Howard J.; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa | |
2017 | Maternal psychosocial maladjustment and child internalizing symptoms: Investigating the modulating role of maternal sensitivity | Bouvette-Turcot, Andrée-Anne; Bernier, Annie; Leblanc, Élizabel | |
2024 | Contributing factors to well-being in a sample of long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia : the role of social support in emotional regulation | Bourdeau, Camille; Lippé, Sarah; Robaey, Philippe; Rondeau, Émélie; Krajinovic, Maja; Sinnett, Daniel; Laverdière, Caroline; Sultan, Serge | |
2019 | Test-retest reliability of diffusion measures extracted along white matter language fiber bundles using HARDI-based tractography | Boukadi, Mariem; Marcotte, Karine; Bedetti, Christophe; Houde, Jean-Christophe; Desautels, Alex; Deslauriers-Gauthier, Samuel; Chapleau, Marianne; Boré, Arnaud; Descoteaux, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | Cross-sectional analysis of picture descriptions of healthy young and older adults | Boucher, Johémie; Slegers, Antoine; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2020 | Word-finding in confrontation naming and picture descriptions produced by individuals with early post-stroke aphasia | Boucher, Johémie; Marcotte, Karine; Brisebois, Amélie; Courson, Melody; Houzé, Bérengère; Desautels, Alex; Leonard, Carol; Rochon, Elizabeth; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | EEG connectivity across sleep cycles and age | Bouchard, Maude; Lina, Jean-Marc; Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier; Dubé, Jonathan; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie | |
2008 | White matter changes in corticobasal degeneration syndrome and correlation with limb apraxia | Borroni, Barbara; Garibotto, Valentina; Agosti, Chiara; Brambati, Simona Maria; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Gasparotti, Roberto; Padovani, Alessandro; Perani, Daniela | |
2007 | Evidence of white matter changes on diffusion tensor imaging in frontotemporal dementia | Borroni, Barbara; Brambati, Simona Maria; Agosti, Chiara; Gipponi, Stefano; Bellelli, Giuseppe; Gasparotti, Roberto; Garibotto, Valentina; Di Luca, Monica; Scifo, Paola; Perani, Daniela; Padovani, Alessandro | |
2017 | Relationships between years of education, regional grey matter volumes, and working memoryrelated brain activity in healthy older adults | Boller, Benjamin; Mellah, Samira; Ducharme-Laliberté, Gabriel; Belleville, Sylvie | |
2016 | Capacités de réserve et entraînement cognitif dans le vieillissement : similarité des effets protecteurs sur la cognition et le cerveau = Reserve capacity and cognitive training in aging : the similarity of the protective effects on cognition and brain | Boller, Benjamin; Belleville, Sylvie | |
2013 | Sexual and relationship intimacy among women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners : associations with sexual satisfaction, sexual function, and pain self-efficacy | Bois, Katy; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; McDuff, Pierre; Grégoire, Catherine | |
2016 | Intimacy, sexual satisfaction and sexual distress in vulvodynia couples : an observational study | Bois, Katy; Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; Mayrand, Marie-Hélène; Brassard, Audrey; Sadikaj, Gentiana | |
2019 | Posterior cortical atrophy : impact on daily living activities and exploration of a cognitive rehabilitation approach | Bier, Nathalie; El-Samra, Ali; Bottari, Carolina; Vallet, Guillaume; Carignan, Mathieu; Paquette, Guillaume; Brambati, Simona Maria; Demers, Louise; Génier-Marchand, Daphné; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2018 | Reconsidering the links between sibship size, maternal sensitivity, and child attachment : a multidimensional interactive approach | Bernier, Annie; Miljkovitch, Raphaële; Tarabulsy, George M.; Sirois, Marie-Soleil; Bailey, Heidi N. | |
2017 | Maternal mind-mindedness and children’s school readiness: A longitudinal study of developmental processes | Bernier, Annie; McMahon, Catherine; Perrier, Rachel | |
2018 | Mother–infant interaction and child brain morphology : a multidimensional approach to maternal sensitivity | Bernier, Annie; Dégeilh, Fanny; Leblanc, Élizabel; Daneault, Véronique; Bailey, Heidi N.; Beauchamp, Miriam | |
2018 | From early relationships to preacademic knowledge : a socio-cognitive developmental cascade to school readiness | Bernier, Annie; Beauchamp, Miriam; Cimon-Paquet, Catherine | |
2015 | A secure base from which to regulate: Attachment security in toddlerhood as a predictor of executive functioning at school entry | Bernier, Annie; Beauchamp, Miriam; Carlson, Stephanie M.; Lalonde, Gabrielle | |
2011 | Genital pain in women : beyond interference with intercourse | Bergeron, Sophie; Rosen, Natalie O.; Morin, Mélanie | |
2014 | Psychosexual aspects of vulvovaginal pain | Bergeron, Sophie; Likes, Wendy M.; Steben, Marc | |
2014 | La sémantique, la lecture de mots irréguliers et les lobes temporaux antérieurs | Bergeron, Sabryna; Pichette, Dominique; Ciquier, Gabrielle C.; Dubé, Catherine; Brambati, Simona Maria; Wilson, Maximiliano A. | |
2017 | The impact of time and repeated exposure on famous person knowledge in amnestic Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease | Benoit, Sophie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Langlois, Roxane; Dostie, Valérie; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne; Joubert, Sven | |
2019 | Action video game experience is associated with increased resting state functional connectivity in the caudate nucleus and decreased functional connectivity in the hippocampus | Benady-Chorney, Jessica; Aumont, Étienne; Yau, Yvonne; Zeighami, Yashar; Bohbot, Véronique; West, Gregory | |
2016 | Comprendre le stade compensatoire de la maladie d'Alzheimer et agir pour promouvoir la cognition et la plasticité cérébrale | Belleville, Sylvie; Boller, Benjamin | |
2014 | L’évaluation développementale et cognitive de l’enfant d’âge préscolaire en clinique psychiatrique | Béliveau, Marie-Julie; Smolla, Nicole; Breault, Chantale; Lévesque, Alain | |
2018 | Sleep and aggressive behavior among toddlers: investigating directionality of associations | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Desrosiers, Kim; Bernier, Annie | |
2015 | Sleeping Toward Behavioral Regulation: Relations Between Sleep and Externalizing Symptoms in Toddlers and Preschoolers | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Bernier, Annie; Simard, Valérie; Desrosiers, Kim; Carrier, Julie | |
2015 | Objective and subjective measures of sleep among preschoolers: Disentangling attachment security and dependency | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Bernier, Annie; Simard, Valérie; Bordeleau, Stéphanie; Carrier, Julie | |
2019 | Disentangling the direction of associations between sleep and temperament in toddlers | Bastien, Laurianne; Tétreault, Émilie; Bernier, Annie | |
2013 | Association between waking electroencephalography and cognitive event-related potentials in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Gagnon, Jean-François; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2020 | Cerebral white matter diffusion properties and free‐water with obstructive sleep apnea severity in older adults | Baril, Andrée‐Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Descoteaux, Maxime; Bedetti, Christophe; Chami, Sirin; Sanchez, Erlan; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; De Beaumont, Louis; Gilbert, Danielle; Poirier, Judes; Pelleieux, Sandra; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2017 | Gray matter hypertrophy and thickening with obstructive sleep apnea in middle-aged and older adults | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Brayet, Pauline; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; De Beaumont, Louis; Carrier, Julie; Lafond, Chantal; L’Heureux, Francis; Gagnon, Jean-François; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2018 | Obstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep and daytime cerebral functioning : a regional cerebral blood flow study using high-resolution SPECT | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Brayet, Pauline; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Carrier, Julie; Soucy, Jean-Paul; Lafond, Chantal; Blais, Hélène; d’Aragon, Caroline; Gagnon, Jean-François; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2015 | Regional cerebral blood flow during wakeful rest in older subjects with mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Arbour, Caroline; Soucy, Jean-Paul; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Gagnon, Jean-François; Gosselin, Nadia |
Nombre de résultats : 223
40 résultats par page