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Travaux et publications

Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.

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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant
2017 The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography
2017 Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on the perception of basic psychological need satisfaction among special education students
2016 A mindfulness-based intervention pilot easibility study for elementary school students with severe learning difficulties : effects on internalized and externalized symptoms from an emotional regulation perspective
2017 How do mothers with borderline personality disorder mentalize when interacting with their infants?
2015 Stability in maternal autonomy support and child executive functioning
2017 Attachment security and developmental patterns of growth in executive functioning during early elementary school
2018 Clinical, anatomical and pathological features in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a review
2016 Naming unique entities in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer's disease : Towards a better understanding of the semantic impairment
2018 Atrophy, metabolism and cognition in posterior cortical atrophy spectrum based on AD CSF biomarkers
2019 Differential language network functional connectivity alterations in Alzheimer's disease and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia
2015 Altered gray matter structural covariance networks in early stages of Alzheimer's disease
2020 La prématurité et le développement moteur
2020 Does practising hypnosis-derived communication techniques by oncology nurses translate into reduced pain and distress in their patients? : an exploratory study
2022 Documents nécessaires pour l'implantation du programme "Reprendre le contrôle ensemble" : programme de soutien des parents confrontés au cancer de l'enfant
2018 Pathways of association between childhood irritability and adolescent suicidality
2011 Les représentations d’attachement de mères d’accueil
2016 Why us? Perceived injustice is associated with more sexual and psychological distress in couples coping with genito-pelvic pain
2021 L’utilisation du discours spontané pour le diagnostic précoce de la maladie d’Alzheimer
2021 Screening for distress in pediatric cancer survivors : a systematic comparison of one-step and two-step strategies to minimize detection errors
2019 A phase 2 study of trametinib for patients with pediatric glioma or plexiform neurofibroma with refractory tumor and activation of the MAPK/ERK pathway
2021 A novel computerized assessment of manual spatial exploration in unilateral spatial neglect
2018 Functional changes in the cortical semantic network in amnestic mild cognitive impairment
2019 A MEG study of the neural substrates of semantic processing in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia
2009 Rule violation errors are associated with right lateral prefrontal cortex atrophy in neurodegenerative disease
2019 Subcortical amyloid load is associated with shape and volume in cognitively normal individuals
2019 Subcortical amyloid relates to cortical morphology in cognitively normal individuals
2018 Age of cannabis use onset and adult drug abuse symptoms : a prospective study of common risk factors and indirect effects
2023 Gender-inclusive research instructions in author submission guidelines : insufficient for gender-inclusive obstetrics and gynecology research
2019 Moderation of parenting by inhibitory control in the prediction of the common and unique variance of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention
2018 Differential susceptibility to the environment and borderline personality disorder
2016 Parenting and preschoolers’ executive functioning : A case of differential susceptibility?
2012 Harmful or helpful : perceived solicitous and facilitative partner responses are differentially associated with pain and sexual satisfaction in women with provoked vestibulodynia
2013 Provoked vestibulodynia : mediators of the associations between partner responses, pain, and sexual satisfaction
2010 Woman and partner-perceived partner responses predict pain and sexual satisfaction in vestibulodynia couples
2014 Relationship satisfaction moderates the associations between male partner responses and depression in women with vulvodynia : a dyadic daily experience study
2014 Impact of male partner responses on sexual function in women with vulvodynia and their partners: a dyadic daily experience study
2014 Beyond a "woman's problem" : the role of relationship processes in female genital pain
2020 Are age and sex effects on sleep slow waves only a matter of EEG amplitude ?
2019 Aging and language : maintenance of morphological representations in older adults
2020 Signs of spatial neglect in unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy