Travaux et publications
Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre croissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre croissant |
2016 | Early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease are associated with distinct patterns of memory impairment | Joubert, Sven; Gour, Natalina; Guedj, Eric; Didic, Mira; Guériot, Claude; Koric, Leila; Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe; Felician, Olivier; Guye, Maxime; Ceccaldi, Mathieu | |
2023 | Smartphone use as an efficient tool to improve anomia in primary progressive aphasia | Joubert, Sven; Maquestiaux, François; Enriquez-Rosas, Adriana-Maria; Villalpando, Juan Manuel; Brodeur, Catherine; Bier, Nathalie | |
2022 | L’apprentissage sans erreur : un principe efficace d’intervention dans la maladie d’Alzheimer et dans l’aphasie primaire progressive | Joubert, Sven; Tannou, Thomas; Maquestiaux, François | |
2017 | Comprehension of concrete and abstract words in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease: a behavioral and neuroimaging study | Joubert, Sven; Vallet, Guillaume; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2008 | A self-determination theory perspective on parenting | Joussemet, Mireille; Landry, Renée; Koestner, Richard | |
2013 | Promoting optimal parenting and children’s mental health : a preliminary evaluation of the How-to Parenting Program | Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Koestner, Richard | |
2018 | How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk : a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of the how-to parenting program on children’s mental health compared to a wait-list control group | Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Larose, Marie-Pier; Briand, Mélanie; Vitaro, Frank | |
2008 | Controlling parenting and physical aggression during elementary school | Joussemet, Mireille; Vitaro, Frank; Barker, Edward D.; Côté, Sylvana; Nagin, Daniel; Zoccolillo, Mark; Tremblay, Richard Ernest | |
2017 | The role of the left anterior temporal lobe for unpredictable and complex mappings in word reading | Joyal, Marilyne; Brambati, Simona Maria; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Rouleau, Isabelle; Macoir, Joël; Joubert, Sven; Fecteau, Shirley; Wilson, Maximiliano A. | |
2009 | Regional brain stem atrophy in idiopathic Parkinson's disease detected by anatomical MRI | Jubault, Thomas; Brambati, Simona Maria; Degroot, Clotilde; Kullmann, Benoit; Strafella, Antonio P.; Lafontaine, Anne-Louise; Chouinard, Sylvain; Monchi, Oury | |
2014 | Autonomous and controlled motivation for parenting : associations with parent and child outcomes | Jungert, Tomas; Landry, Renée; Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Gingras, Isabelle; Koestner, Richard | |
2023 | How does explicit knowledge inform policy shaping? The case of Burkina Faso’s national social protection policy | Kadio, Kadidiatou; Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery | |
2019 | Sleep oscillation-specific associations with Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers : novel roles for sleep spindles and tau | Kam, Korey; Parekh, Ankit; Sharma, Ram A.; Andrade, Andreia; Lewin, Monica; Castillo, Bresne; Bubu, Omonigho M.; Chua, Nicholas J.; Miller, Margo D.; Mullins, Anna E.; Glodzik, Lidia; Mosconi, Lisa; Gosselin, Nadia; Prathamesh, Kulkarni; Chen, Zhe; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Bagchi, Nisha; Cavedoni, Bianca; Rapoport, David M.; Ayappa, Indu; De Leon, Mony J.; Petkova, Eva; Varga, Andrew W.; Osorio, Ricardo S. | |
2015 | Neural changes associated with semantic processing in healthy aging despite intact behavioral performance | Lacombe, Jacinthe; Jolicoeur, Pierre; Grimault, Stephan; Pineault, Jessica; Joubert, Sven | |
2022 | Sleep slow waves’ negative-to-positive-phase transition : a marker of cognitive and apneic status in aging | Lafrenière, Alexandre; Lina, Jean-Marc; Hernandez, Jimmy; Bouchard, Maude; Gosselin, Nadia; Carrier, Julie | |
2020 | Contributing factors of unmet needs among young adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with comorbidities | Lamore, Kristopher; Bourdeau, Camille; Alos, Nathalie; Bertout, Laurence; Curnier, Daniel; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Laverdière, Caroline; Lippé, Sarah; Marcil, Valérie; Robaey, Philippe; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2020 | Changes in hair cortisol and self-reported stress measures following mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) : a proof-of-concept study in pediatric hematology-oncology professionals | Lamothe, Martin; Rondeau, Émélie; Duval, Michel; McDuff, Pierre; Pastore, Yves; Sultan, Serge | |
2016 | Alzheimer’s disease and memory strength : gradual decline of memory traces as a function of their strength | Langlois, Roxane; Benoit, Sophie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Vallet, Guillaume; Joubert, Sven; Barbeau, Emmanuel J. | |
2016 | Memory for public events in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease : the importance of rehearsal | Langlois, Roxane; Joubert, Sven; Benoit, Sophie; Dostie, Valérie; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2015 | L’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde dans la population québécoise âgée: Le PUB-40 et le PUB-12 | Langlois, Roxane; Joubert, Sven; Benoit, Sophie; Dostie, Valérie; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2013 | Assessment and treatment of vocal stereotypy associated with television: a pilot study | Lanovaz, Marc; Rapp, John T.; Ferguson, Stéphanie | |
2017 | Associations between sleep consolidation in infancy and peer relationships in middle childhood | Larose-Grégoire, Élodie; Bernier, Annie; Dirks, Melanie; Perrier, Rachel | |
2020 | Validity of actigraphy for nighttime sleep monitoring in hospitalized patients with traumatic injuries | Lauzier Bigué, Julien; Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Menon, David K.; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2016 | A qualitative impairment in face perception in Alzheimer’s disease : evidence from a reduced face inversion effect | Lavallée, Marie Maxime; Gandini, Delphine; Rouleau, Isabelle; Vallet, Guillaume; Joannette, Maude; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne; Busigny, Thomas; Rossion, Bruno; Joubert, Sven | |
2022 | Care pathways, health service use patterns and opportunities for justice involvement prevention among forensic mental health clients | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Charette, Yanick; Caulet, Malijaï; Crocker, Anne | |
2019 | The impact of Housing First on criminal justice outcomes among homeless people with mental illness : a systematic review. | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Deveaux, Félicia; Roy, Laurence; Goulet, Marie-Hélène; Latimer, Éric; Crocker, Anne | |
2019 | Pathways to recovery among homeless people with mental illness: Is impulsiveness getting in the way? | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Lemieux, Ashley J.; Roy, Laurence; Martin, Michael S.; Latimer, Éric; Crocker, Anne | |
2021 | Quantified desistance : a scoping review of conventions in the scientific literature | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Raiche, Ann-Pierre; Latulippe, Marjolie; Lepage-Richer, Théo; Charette, Yanick; Roy, Laurence; Crocker, Anne | |
2019 | Towards an integrated understanding of aggression in the general population : findings from an epidemiological catchment area study | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Roy, Laurence; Caron, Jean; Crocker, Anne; Reyes, Andrea | |
2020 | Inconsistencies between measures of cognitive dysfunction in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia survivors : description and understanding | Leclerc, Andrée-Anne; Lippé, Sarah; Bertout, Laurence; Chapados, Pascale; Boulet-Craig, Aubrée; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Laverdière, Caroline; Michon, Bruno; Robaey, Philippe; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2015 | Attachment, sexual assertiveness and sexual outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia and their partners : a mediation model | Leclerc, Bianca; Bergeron, Sophie; Brassard, Audrey; Bélanger, Claude; Steben, Marc; Lambert, Bernard | |
2011 | Transmitting intrinsic value priorities from mothers to adolescents : the moderating role of a supportive family environment | Lekes, Natasha; Joussemet, Mireille; Koestner, Richard; Taylor, Geneviève; Hope, Nora H.; Gingras, Isabelle | |
2013 | Do romantic partners' responses to entry dyspareunia affect women's experience of pain? : the roles of catastrophizing and self-efficacy | Lemieux, Ashley J.; Bergeron, Sophie; Steben, Marc; Lambert, Bernard | |
2022 | Do problem-solving skills help mitigate emotional distress through perceived control and self-efficacy in parents of children with cancer? | Lévesque, Ariane; Béliveau, Julianne; Ogez, David; Marcil, Valérie; Curnier, Daniel; Laverdière, Caroline; Sinnett, Daniel; Péloquin, Katherine; Sultan, Serge | |
2023 | Cancer-related fatigue : scoping review to synthesize a definition for childhood cancer survivors | Lévesque, Ariane; Caru, Maxime; Duval, Michel; Laverdière, Caroline; Marjerrison, Stacey; Sultan, Serge | |
2022 | Cancer-related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors : a systematic scoping review on contributors of fatigue and how they are targeted by non-pharmacological interventions | Lévesque, Ariane; Caru, Maxime; Duval, Michel; Laverdière, Caroline; Marjerrison, Stacey; Sultan, Serge | |
2023 | Feasibility study of taking back control together, an intervention to support parents of children with cancer | Lévesque, Ariane; Ogez, David; Gravel, Vivianne; Marcil, Valérie; Curnier, Daniel; Rondeau, Émélie; Sinnett, Daniel; Péloquin, Katherine; Sultan, Serge | |
2023 | A light in the dark : how children make sense of COVID-19 | Libenstein, Jamie; Larivière-Bastien, Danaë; Dupont, Dominique; Aubuchon, Olivier; Herba, Catherine; Beauchamp, Miriam | |
2012 | Comprehension of concrete and abstract words in patients with selective anterior temporal lobe resection and in patients with selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy | Loiselle, Magalie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Nguyen, Dang Khoa; Dubeau, François; Macoir, Joël; Whatmough, Christine; Lepore, Franco; Joubert, Sven | |
2021 | Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents | London-Nadeau, Kira; Rioux, Charlie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Côté, Sylvana; Boivin, Michel; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Séguin, Jean; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie |
Nombre de résultats : 223
40 résultats par page