Travaux et publications
Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre croissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre croissant |
2019 | Interleukin-8 predicts fatigue at 12 months post-injury in children with traumatic brain injury | Crichton, Alison; Ignjatovic, Vera; Babl, Franz E.; Oakley, Ed; Greenham, Mardee; Hearps, Stephen; Delzoppo, Carmel; Beauchamp, Miriam; Guerguerian, Anne‐Marie; Boutis, Kathy; Hubara, Evyatar | |
2023 | Lessons learned from field experiences on hospitals’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic : a systematic approach | Dagenais, Christian; Kielende, Muriel; Coulibaly, Abdourahmane; Gautier, Lara; Pierre-Marie, David; Peiffer-Smadja, Nathan; Honda, Ayako; Araújo Oliveira, Sydia Rosana de; Traverson, Lola; Zinszer, Kate; Ridde, Valery | |
2023 | Conditions d’utilisation du référent ÉKIP et de sa plateforme numérique pour favoriser la santé, le bienêtre et la réussite éducative des élèves du Québec | Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Gingras, Marie-Eve | |
2021 | L’enseignement à distance en temps de pandémie : au-delà des difficultés, une opportunité d’innovation | Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Hot, Aurélie | |
2022 | Using digital platforms in schools for prevention and health promotion : a scoping review | Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Mc Sween-Cadieux, Esther | |
2021 | Collaborative research and knowledge translation on road crashes in Burkina Faso : the police perspective 18 months on | Dagenais, Christian; Proulx, Michelle; Mc Sween-Cadieux, Esther; Nikiema, Aude; Bonnet, Emmanuel; Ridde, Valery; Somé, Paul-André | |
2020 | Le transfert des connaissances scientifiques, « c’est bien, mais c’est pas encore arrivé… » | Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery | |
2007 | Exploration of Recovery Trajectories in Sexually Abused Adolescents | Daigneault, Isabelle; Cyr, Mireille; Tourigny, Marc | |
2014 | Aging reduces the stimulating effect of blue light on cognitive brain functions | Daneault, Véronique; Hébert, Marc; Albouy, Geneviève; Doyon, Julien; Dumont, Marie; Carrier, Julie; Vandewalle, Gilles | |
2021 | Dating aggression and observed behaviors in a nonconflictual situation : the role of negative anticipation | Daspe, Marie-Ève; Arbel, Reout; Margolin, Gayla; Rasmussen, Hannah F. | |
2013 | Women with provoked vestibulodynia experience clinically significant reductions in pain regardless of treatment : results from a 2-year follow up study | Davis, Seth; Bergeron, Sophie; Binik, Yitzchak M.; Lambert, Bernard | |
2015 | A prospective two-year examination of cognitive and behavioral correlates of provoked vestibulodynia outcomes | Davis, Seth; Bergeron, Sophie; Bois, Katy; Sadikaj, Gentiana; Binik, Yitzchak M.; Steben, Marc | |
2015 | Partner behavioral responses to pain mediate the relationship between partner pain cognitions and pain outcomes in women with provoked vestibulodynia | Davis, Seth; Bergeron, Sophie; Sadikaj, Gentiana; Corsini-Munt, Serena; Steben, Marc | |
2024 | An examination of semantic performance in mild cognitive impairment progressors and nonprogressors | Delage, Émilie; Rouleau, Isabelle; Akzam-Ouellette, Marc-Antoine; Roy-Côté, Frédérique; Joubert, Sven; Consortium for Early Identification of Alzheimer's disease-Quebec | |
2014 | The impact of poor sleep on cognition and activities of daily living after traumatic brain injury : a review | Duclos, Catherine; Beauregard, Marie-Pascale; Bottari, Carolina; Ouellet, Marie-Christine; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2017 | Parallel recovery of consciousness and sleep in acute traumatic brain injury | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Arbour, Caroline; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Menon, David K.; De Beaumont, Louis; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2019 | Sleep-wake disturbances in hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury: association with brain trauma but not with an abnormal melatonin circadian rhythm | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Paquet, Jean; Blais, Hélène; Van der Maren, Solenne; Menon, David K.; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2016 | Evolution of severe sleep-wake cycle disturbances following traumatic brain injury: a case study in both acute and subacute phases post-injury | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Potvin, Marie-Julie; Desautels, Alex; Gilbert, Danielle; Menon, David K.; Bernard, Francis; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2014 | Sleep and wake disturbances following traumatic brain injury | Duclos, Catherine; Dumont, Marie; Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine; Arbour, Caroline; Mongrain, Valérie; Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier; Khoury, Samar; Lavigne, Gilles; Desautels, Alex; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2020 | A portrait of self-reported health and distress in parents whose child died of cancer | Dumont, Émilie; Bourque, Claude Julie; Duval, Michel; Payot, Antoine; Sultan, Serge; Butterflies/Papillons Research Team | |
2018 | Towards a better understanding of increased sleep duration in the chronic phase of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury : an actigraphy study | El-Khatib, Héjar; Arbour, Caroline; Sanchez, Erlan; Dumont, Marie; Duclos, Catherine; Blais, Hélène; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2020 | Neuroanatomic correlates of distance and direction processing during cognitive map retrieval | Faulmann, Igor; Descloux, Virginie; Saj, Arnaud; Maurer, Roland | |
2006 | Intrahemispheric dysfunction in primary motor cortex without corpus callosum: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study | Fecteau, Shirley; Lassonde, Maryse; Théoret, Hugo | |
2020 | Task-induced functional connectivity of picture naming in healthy aging : the impacts of age and task complexity | Ferré, Perrine; Jarret, Julien; Brambati, Simona Maria; Bellec, Pierre; Joanette, Yves | |
2022 | Quand le messager est plus important que le message : étude expérimentale en Afrique francophone sur l’utilisation des connaissances | Fillol, Amandine; McSween-Cadieux, Esther; Ventelou, Bruno; Larose, Marie-Pier; Nguemdjo Kamguem, Ulrich Boris; Kadio, Kadidiatou; Dagenais, Christian; Ridde, Valery | |
2020 | Waking EEG functional connectivity in middle-aged and older adults with obstructive sleep apnea | Fortin, Maxime; Lina, Jean-Marc; Desjardins, Marie-Eve; Gagnon, Katia; Baril, Andrée-Ann; Carrière, Julien; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2018 | The role of paternal mind‐mindedness in preschoolers' self‐regulated conduct | Gagné, Christine; Bernier, Annie; McMahon, Catherine A. | |
2008 | The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia | Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Brambati, Simona Maria; Ginex, Valeria; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Dronkers, Nina; Marcone, Alessandra; Perani, Daniela; Garibotto, Valentina; Cappa, Stefano F.; Miller, Bruce L. | |
2006 | Anatomical correlates of early mutism in progressive nonfluent aphasia | Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Brambati, Simona Maria; Wang, P.; Jeong, Je Hoon; Rankin, Katherine P.; Dronkers, Nina; Miller, Bruce L. | |
2019 | Obstructive sleep apnea and the risk of cognitive decline in older adults | Gosselin, Nadia; Baril, Andrée-Ann; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Kaminska, Marta; Carrier, Julie | |
2017 | Electrophysiological impact of multiple concussions in asymptomatic athletes: a re-analysis based on alpha activity during a visual-spatial attention task | Guay, Samuel; De Beaumont, Louis; Drisdelle, Brandi Lee; Lina, Jean-Marc; Jolicoeur, Pierre | |
2020 | Mindful parenting programs in non-clinical contexts : a qualitative review of child outcomes and programs, and recommendations for future research | Hali, Kil; Antonacci, Rebecca | |
2017 | Parent–child relationships and child executive functioning at school entry: the importance of fathers | Hertz, Sarah; Bernier, Annie; Cimon-Paquet, Catherine; Regueiro, Sophie | |
2022 | Functional network and structural connections involved in picture naming | Jarret, Julien; Ferré, Perrine; Chedid, Georges; Bedetti, Christophe; Boré, Arnaud; Joanette, Yves; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | Education as a moderator of the relationship between episodic memory and amyloid load in normal aging | Joannette, Maude; Bocti, Christian; Sévigny Dupont, Pénélope; Lavallée, Marie Maxime; Nikelski, Jim; Vallet, Guillaume; Chertkow, Howard; Joubert, Sven | |
2020 | Moderate to severe acute pain disturbs motor cortex intracortical inhibition and facilitation in orthopedic trauma patients : a TMS study | Jodoin, Marianne; Rouleau, Dominique; Bellemare, Audrey; Provost, Catherine; Larson-Dupuis, Camille; Sandman, Emilie; Laflamme, Georges-Yves; Benoit, Benoit; Leduc, Stéphane; Levesque, Martine; Gosselin, Nadia; De Beaumont, Louis | |
2017 | The clinical utility of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in reducing the risks of transitioning from acute to chronic pain in traumatically injured patients | Jodoin, Marianne; Rouleau, Dominique; Larson-Dupuis, Camille; Gosselin, Nadia; De Beaumont, Louis | |
2019 | Investigating the incidence and magnitude of heterotopic ossification with and without joints involvement in patients with a limb fracture and mild traumatic brain injury | Jodoin, Marianne; Rouleau, Dominique; Therrien, Erik; Chauny, Jean-Marc; Sandman, Emilie; Larson-Dupuis, Camille; Leduc, Stéphane; Gosselin, Nadia; De Beaumont, Louis | |
2011 | Music recognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer disease | Johnson, Julene K.; Chang, Chiung-Chih; Brambati, Simona Maria; Migliaccio, Raffaella; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Miller, Bruce L.; Janata, Petr | |
2006 | The right temporal lobe variant of frontotemporal dementia: cognitive and neuroanatomical profile of three patients | Joubert, Sven; Felician, Olivier; Barbeau, Emmanuel; Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe; Christophe, Marion; Didic, Mira; Poncet, Michel; Ceccaldi, Mathieu |
Nombre de résultats : 223
40 résultats par page