Experts in: Computer models
Professeur adjoint
- Computational Neuroscience
- Machine learning
- Visual System
- Learning
- Vision
- The brain and learning
- Systems neuroscience
- Role of autonomic nervous system functions
- Computer models
Shahab's research is centered at the intersection of neuroscience and AI, also known as NeuroAI. Specifically, he examines visual perception and learning in both biological brains and artificial neural networks. He uses deep learning as a computational framework to model learning and perception in the brain, and leverages our understanding of the nervous system to create more biologically-inspired artificial intelligence.
Professeur associé, Professeur émérite
- Attention
- Neuroimaging
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Computer models
- Cognitive psychology
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Visual attention
- Attention deficit disorders
- Electrophysiology (EEG)
- Magnetoencephalography and Electroencephalography
- Memory
- Working memory
- Spatial memory
- Brains and semantic memory
Experimental cognitive science, computer models and simulations of cognitive processes and neuroimaging to determine why and how attention functions or fails.