Travaux et publications
Des travaux et publications scientifiques de nos étudiant(e)s sont conservées et consultables dans Papyrus, le dépôt institutionnel de l’Université de Montréal.
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Date Trier par date en ordre croissant | Titre Trier par titre en ordre croissant | Auteur Trier par auteur en ordre croissant | Directeur par contributeur en ordre croissant |
2019 | A longitudinal investigation of sleep and daytime wakefulness in children and youth with concussion | Wiseman-Hakes, Catherine; Gosselin, Nadia; Sharma, Bhanu; Langer, Laura; Gagnon, Isabelle | |
2019 | Towards an integrated understanding of aggression in the general population : findings from an epidemiological catchment area study | Leclair, Marichelle C.; Roy, Laurence; Caron, Jean; Crocker, Anne; Reyes, Andrea | |
2019 | Posterior cortical atrophy : impact on daily living activities and exploration of a cognitive rehabilitation approach | Bier, Nathalie; El-Samra, Ali; Bottari, Carolina; Vallet, Guillaume; Carignan, Mathieu; Paquette, Guillaume; Brambati, Simona Maria; Demers, Louise; Génier-Marchand, Daphné; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2019 | Evidence of a relation between hippocampal volume, white matter hyperintensities, and cognition in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment | Caillaud, Marie; Hudon, Carol; Boller, Benjamin; Brambati, Simona Maria; Duchesne, Simon; Lorrain, Dominique; Gagnon, Jean-François; Maltezos, Samantha; Mellah, Samira; Phillips, Natalie; Consortium for the early identification of Alzheimer’s Disease-Quebec; Belleville, Sylvie | |
2019 | An examination of semantic impairment in amnestic MCI and AD : What can we learn from verbal fluency? | Chasles, Marie-Joëlle; Tremblay, A.; Escudier, F.; Lajeunesse, A.; Benoit, S.; Langlois, R.; Joubert, Sven; Rouleau, Isabelle | |
2019 | Brain white matter damage and its association with neuronal synchrony during sleep | Sanchez, Erlan; El-Khatib, Héjar; Arbour, Caroline; Bedetti, Christophe; Blais, Hélène; Marcotte, Karine; Baril, Andrée-Ann; Descoteaux, Maxime; Gilbert, Danielle; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2019 | Disentangling the direction of associations between sleep and temperament in toddlers | Bastien, Laurianne; Tétreault, Émilie; Bernier, Annie | |
2019 | The role of the hippocampus in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia : a resting‐state fcMRI study | Chapleau, Marianne; Montembeault, Maxime; Boukadi, Mariem; Bedetti, Christophe; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | Differential language network functional connectivity alterations in Alzheimer's disease and the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia | Montembeault, Maxime; Chapleau, Marianne; Jarret, Julien; Boukadi, Mariem; Laforce, Robert Jr.; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Rouleau, Isabelle; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2019 | Action video game experience is associated with increased resting state functional connectivity in the caudate nucleus and decreased functional connectivity in the hippocampus | Benady-Chorney, Jessica; Aumont, Étienne; Yau, Yvonne; Zeighami, Yashar; Bohbot, Véronique; West, Gregory | |
2019 | Increased flanker task and forward digit span performance in caudate-nucleus-dependent response strategies | Aumont, Étienne; Arguin, Martin; Bohbot, Véronique; West, Gregory | |
2019 | Sleep oscillation-specific associations with Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers : novel roles for sleep spindles and tau | Kam, Korey; Parekh, Ankit; Sharma, Ram A.; Andrade, Andreia; Lewin, Monica; Castillo, Bresne; Bubu, Omonigho M.; Chua, Nicholas J.; Miller, Margo D.; Mullins, Anna E.; Glodzik, Lidia; Mosconi, Lisa; Gosselin, Nadia; Prathamesh, Kulkarni; Chen, Zhe; Blennow, Kaj; Zetterberg, Henrik; Bagchi, Nisha; Cavedoni, Bianca; Rapoport, David M.; Ayappa, Indu; De Leon, Mony J.; Petkova, Eva; Varga, Andrew W.; Osorio, Ricardo S. | |
2019 | Moderation of parenting by inhibitory control in the prediction of the common and unique variance of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention | Rioux, Charlie; Murray, Julie; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie; Séguin, Jean; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Parent, Sophie | |
2018 | Biomarkers of dementia in obstructive sleep apnea | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Carrier, Julie; Lafrenière, Alexandre; Warby, Simon; Poirier, Judes; Osorio, Ricardo S.; Ayas, Najib; Dubé, Marie-Pierre; Petit, Dominique; Gosselin, Nadia; Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network | |
2018 | Obstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep and daytime cerebral functioning : a regional cerebral blood flow study using high-resolution SPECT | Baril, Andrée-Ann; Gagnon, Katia; Brayet, Pauline; Montplaisir, Jacques-Yves; Carrier, Julie; Soucy, Jean-Paul; Lafond, Chantal; Blais, Hélène; d’Aragon, Caroline; Gagnon, Jean-François; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2018 | Towards a better understanding of increased sleep duration in the chronic phase of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury : an actigraphy study | El-Khatib, Héjar; Arbour, Caroline; Sanchez, Erlan; Dumont, Marie; Duclos, Catherine; Blais, Hélène; Carrier, Julie; Gosselin, Nadia | |
2018 | Functional changes in the cortical semantic network in amnestic mild cognitive impairment | Pineault, Jessica; Jolicoeur, Pierre; Grimault, Stephan; Bermudez, Patrick; Brambati, Simona Maria; Lacombe, Jacinthe; Villalpando, Juan Manuel; Kergoat, Marie-Jeanne | |
2018 | Clinical, anatomical and pathological features in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia : a review | Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Migliaccio, Raffaella | |
2018 | Attachment security and maternal behaviors as predictors of children's psychosocial adjustment at school entry | Sirois, Marie-Soleil; Bernier, Annie | |
2018 | Norms of concept familiarity and emotional valence for 3,596 French nouns and their contribution in lexical decision | Chedid, Georges; Wilson, Maximiliano A.; Bedetti, Christophe; Rey, Amandine E.; Vallet, Guillaume; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2018 | Atrophy, metabolism and cognition in posterior cortical atrophy spectrum based on AD CSF biomarkers | Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria; Lamari, Foudil; Michon, Agnès; Samri, Dalila; Epelbaum, Stéphane; Lacomblez, Lucette; Lehéricy, Stéphane; Habert, Marie-Odile; Dubois, Bruno; Kas, Aurélie; Migliaccio, Raffaella | |
2018 | Actigraphy data in pediatric research : the role of sleep diaries | Tétreault, Émilie; Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Bernier, Annie; Carrier, Julie | |
2018 | Sleep and aggressive behavior among toddlers: investigating directionality of associations | Bélanger, Marie-Ève; Desrosiers, Kim; Bernier, Annie | |
2018 | From early relationships to preacademic knowledge : a socio-cognitive developmental cascade to school readiness | Bernier, Annie; Beauchamp, Miriam; Cimon-Paquet, Catherine | |
2018 | Mother–infant interaction and child brain morphology : a multidimensional approach to maternal sensitivity | Bernier, Annie; Dégeilh, Fanny; Leblanc, Élizabel; Daneault, Véronique; Bailey, Heidi N.; Beauchamp, Miriam | |
2018 | Reconsidering the links between sibship size, maternal sensitivity, and child attachment : a multidimensional interactive approach | Bernier, Annie; Miljkovitch, Raphaële; Tarabulsy, George M.; Sirois, Marie-Soleil; Bailey, Heidi N. | |
2018 | Normative developmental trajectories of actigraphic sleep variables during the preschool period : a three-wave longitudinal study | Tétreault, Émilie; Bernier, Annie; Matte‐Gagné, Célia; Carrier, Julie | |
2018 | The role of paternal mind‐mindedness in preschoolers' self‐regulated conduct | Gagné, Christine; Bernier, Annie; McMahon, Catherine A. | |
2018 | Child temperamental anger, mother–child interactions, and socio-emotional functioning at school entry | Sirois, Marie-Soleil; Bernier, Annie; Lemelin, Jean-Pascal | |
2018 | Connected speech features from picture description in Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review | Slegers, Antoine; Filiou, Renée-Pier; Montembeault, Maxime; Brambati, Simona Maria | |
2018 | How to support toddlers’ autonomy : socialization practices reported by parents | Andreadakis, Eftichia; Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève | |
2018 | How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk : a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of the how-to parenting program on children’s mental health compared to a wait-list control group | Joussemet, Mireille; Mageau, Geneviève; Larose, Marie-Pier; Briand, Mélanie; Vitaro, Frank | |
2018 | Age of cannabis use onset and adult drug abuse symptoms : a prospective study of common risk factors and indirect effects | Rioux, Charlie; Castellanos Ryan, Natalie; Parent, Sophie; Vitaro, Frank; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Séguin, Jean | |
2018 | Psychological risk in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and its association with functional health status : A PETALE cohort study | Anestin, Annélie S.; Lippé, Sarha; Robaey, Philippe; Bertout, Laurence; Drouin, Simon; Krajinovic, Maja; Michon, Bruno; Rondeau, Émélie; Samoilenko, Mariia; Laverdière, Caroline; Sinnett, Daniel; Sultan, Serge | |
2018 | Differential susceptibility to the environment and borderline personality disorder | Rioux, Charlie; Séguin, Jean; Paris, Joel | |
2018 | Pathways of association between childhood irritability and adolescent suicidality | Orri, Massimiliano; Galera, Cedric; Turecki, Gustavo; Boivin, Michel; Tremblay, Richard Ernest; Geoffroy, Marie-Claude; Côté, Sylvana | |
2018 | Spatial learners display enhanced oculomotor performance | Aumont, Étienne; Bohbot, Véronique; West, Gregory | |
2018 | Promoting autonomy to reduce employee deviance : the mediating role of identified motivation | Bureau, Julien; Mageau, Geneviève; Morin, Alexandre; Gagné, Marylène; Forest, Jacques; Papachristopoulos, Konstantinos; Lucas, Ashrah; Thibault Landry, Anaïs; Parenteau, Chloé | |
2017 | Age at first febrile seizure correlates with perinatal maternal emotional symptoms | Thébault-Dagher, Fanny; Herba, Catherine; Séguin, Jean; Muckle, Gina; Lupien, Sonia; Carmant, Lionel; Simard, Marie-Noëlle; Shapiro, Gabriel; Fraser, William; Lippé, Sarah | |
2017 | The clinical utility of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in reducing the risks of transitioning from acute to chronic pain in traumatically injured patients | Jodoin, Marianne; Rouleau, Dominique; Larson-Dupuis, Camille; Gosselin, Nadia; De Beaumont, Louis |
Nombre de résultats : 222
40 résultats par page